In Spring this year Larkin University and Palacky University in Olomouc UPOL, Czech Republic, signed a Memorandum of Understanding which allowed researchers from UPOL’s Department of Chemical Biology to collaborate with LU’s Deprtament of Pharmaceutical Sciences on a project focused on medical applications of bioactive heterocyclic derivatives. To date this collaboration produced a collaborative grant application, planned student exchange as well as exciting preliminary results which were discussed during today’s visit of Dr. Plihalova, the group leader on the European side, Dr Magdaléna Bryskova, and Drs Sandeep Sheth, Sameer Joshi and Subrata Deb from our College of Pharmacy.

Inspired by plant substances, the UPOL researchers are working on preparation and investigation of new heterocyclic bioactive substances with an effect on human cells and tissues, with potential use in medical applications. Some of those are Cytokinins, a group of plant hormones that possess antioxidant properties. In Dr Sheth’s lab several cytokinin derivatives, developed by Palackỷ University, are screened and tested in a cochlear cell line to identify which one affords most protection against cisplatin toxicity. In Dr Joshi’s lab the focus will be on drug delivery and based on the properties of the molecules to be encapsulated, liposomal formulations will be designed and produced. The formulations produced will be tested for particle size, charge, encapsulation efficiency, and in-vitro release. Exciting results, engaging discussions, great opportunities for growing our international relations and collaborative research!

Palacký University Olomouc (UP) is an internationally respected and scientifically and academically highly productive research university in Central Europe. Founded 22 December 1573, it is the second-oldest university in the Czech Republic and the oldest one in Moravia. Noteable Alumni include Gregor Johann Mendel, “The Father of Genetics” or Bohdan Pomahač, who performed the first full face transplant in the US in 2011.