Board of Trustees

Dr. Mark D. Kent

Member, Board of Trustees (CEO CanoHealth)

Ileana Rodriguez

Vice – Chair (Broker-Associate RE/MAX Advance Realty)

Marilyn Roman

Member, Board of Trustees (Director & CEO, Miami Dade AHEC (Area Health Education Center))

Dr. Cecilia Rokusek

Member, Board of Trustees (President, National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library)

Dr. Pablo J Calzada

Treasurer, Board of Trustees (Calzada Primary Care, PA and Regional Medical Director at Florida Blue, Inc)

Dr. Angelo E Gousse

Member (Clinical Professor of Urology, FIU Florida &, Medical Director, Bladder Health Program of South Florida)

Dr. Marie-Flore Lindor-La Tortue

Secretary, Board of Trustees (Health and Business Management and Higher Education Expert, Radio/TV Inventor)

Dr. Jack J Michel

Chair, Board of Trustees (Rural and Underserved Graduate Medical Education)

Marianela Orsini-Piedra†

Dr. Georg Patroianu †

Dr. Blanca Rivera

Member (Associate Vice President, UHealth Pharmacy Services)

Dr. Leonard A. Levy†

Dr Sandy Sosa-Guerrero

Member, Board of Trustees